Profile: Kirsten John Foy


Kirsten John Foy, Council District 36, Brooklyn
Neighborhoods: Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights
See StreetsPAC's Citywide Endorsed and Borough-wide Endorsed Candidates
Website: KirstenJohnFoy

What caught our attention from Kirsten John Foy's questionnaire/interview:
"Collision deaths are most often avoidable deaths, and the NYPD must be held accountable for their past failures to investigate collisions in a meaningful way. On the front-end, enforcing laws on reckless driving and other hazards will help, and on the back-end we must have serious investigations into these types of collisions. I support race-neutral law enforcement for traffic infractions, and believe the new resources allocated to the Collision Investigation Squad will hopefully go a long way to fixing existing investigatory problems. I will continue to exercise strong oversight over the NYPD to ensure these goals are met. "

StreetsPAC's Endorsement Announcement:
Motivated by a public-health crisis in his district, Kirsten John Foy will push for local street-safety improvements and alternative-transportation options.  He will introduce bike-education programs to Bed-Stuy public schools, and wants them to become a citywide initiative.  Foy also believes in transportation equity – he wants to increase access to bikes in his district and ensure there is a good bike-lane network on which to ride them, and expand street-seating for seniors and Select Bus Service beyond Nostrand Avenue.

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StreetsPAC supports candidates for public office who will champion Safe, Complete and Livable Streets.