Luke Szabados commented on Contact Us
2020-12-20 22:50:15 -0500
Hi StreetsPAC!
I’m very interested in ending the Stipulated Fine Program. This program allows delivery companies to pay a reduced fee for traffic violations, in exchange for giving up the ability to challenge the ticket in court. Here’s some more information:
With this program, New Yorkers are giving handouts to giant corporations (many of whom have profited off the pandemic) as well as the ability to act with impunity on our streets. The next NYC administration ought to eradicate the Stipulated Fine Program, not only to make our streets safer, but to provide the city with much needed revenue at an extremely challenging fiscal moment. Personally I think we should go a step further, and not only eliminate the Stipulated Fine Program, but also invert its design. Instead of allowing everyone to pay the same amount for the same infraction, these massive companies ought to be paying a progressive penalty in order to disincentivize this anti-social behavior.
For these reasons, I ask you to consider adding a question to your endorsement questionnaire which would ask mayoral candidates whether they’ll, at the very least, end this asinine program.
Thank you for your time.
Luke Szabados
I’m very interested in ending the Stipulated Fine Program. This program allows delivery companies to pay a reduced fee for traffic violations, in exchange for giving up the ability to challenge the ticket in court. Here’s some more information:
With this program, New Yorkers are giving handouts to giant corporations (many of whom have profited off the pandemic) as well as the ability to act with impunity on our streets. The next NYC administration ought to eradicate the Stipulated Fine Program, not only to make our streets safer, but to provide the city with much needed revenue at an extremely challenging fiscal moment. Personally I think we should go a step further, and not only eliminate the Stipulated Fine Program, but also invert its design. Instead of allowing everyone to pay the same amount for the same infraction, these massive companies ought to be paying a progressive penalty in order to disincentivize this anti-social behavior.
For these reasons, I ask you to consider adding a question to your endorsement questionnaire which would ask mayoral candidates whether they’ll, at the very least, end this asinine program.
Thank you for your time.
Luke Szabados
Contact Us
150 Broadway, Suite 1212
New York, NY 10038
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