StreetsPAC today announced its final City Council candidate endorsements for New York City’s September 2017 primary, backing the re-election efforts of incumbent Council Members Corey Johnson, Stephen Levin and Antonio Reynoso.
"We’re proud to endorse Corey Johnson, Steve Levin and Antonio Reynoso, all of whom we supported in the 2013 election," said Eric McClure, Executive Director of StreetsPAC. "They’ve proven themselves to be deeply committed to safer streets and better transit, and we look forward to their continued strong support for advancing Vision Zero."
Today’s endorsements brings to 23 the total number of candidates for City Council supported by StreetsPAC in 2017, surpassing by five the number of endorsements StreetsPAC made in Council races in the 2013 primary.
Here is additional detail about today’s endorsements:
Corey Johnson, Council District 3, Manhattan (Incumbent) – Johnson, who’s running for his second term, distinguished himself as a vocal proponent of the Times Square pedestrian plaza when an uproar erupted over costumed characters and desnudas in 2015. He’s committed to advocating for protected crosstown bike lanes in his West Side district, which stretches from Canal Street to Lincoln Square, and will undertake an effort to better allocate the precious street space along 8th Avenue near the Port Authority Bus terminal. He’s also interested in improving the way the city manages truck deliveries, including improving curb access for trucks and restricting deliveries to off-hours.
Stephen Levin, Council District 33, Brooklyn (Incumbent) – Levin, who’s running for a third term, achieved the near-impossible when he prevailed on the Department of Transportation to redesign downtown Brooklyn’s Jay Street with protected bike lanes and pedestrian islands. He’s committed to advocating for a comprehensive plan to minimize commuting disruptions during the L train shutdown, and will push for a complete-streets overhaul of his district’s dangerous Meeker Avenue. He also hopes to solve the police-parking and bike-lane-blocking problem on Schermerhorn Street, and will continue his efforts to achieve equity in the handling of the city’s waste and reform of the carting industry.
Antonio Reynoso, Council District 34, Brooklyn/Queens (Incumbent) – Reynoso, who’s established himself as a leader in the City Council on matters of pedestrian and cyclist safety, is running for a second term. He’s adamant about upgrading cycling conditions in his district with protected bike lanes and the expansion of Citi Bike. As Chair of the Council’s Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management, Reynoso will push for major safety improvements on the part of private carters, as well as changes to the city’s snow-removal protocol to ensure that crosswalks and bus stops are cleared in a more timely manner. He’ll also explore how traffic laws might better distinguish between bicycles and motor vehicles, in particular with the treatment of red lights and stop signs at T-intersections.
StreetsPAC will help elect its endorsed candidates with cash contributions and volunteer support.