Reminder! Bike to Work with StreetsPAC and the City Council's Progressive Caucus Tomorrow Morning!
Tomorrow morning, Wednesday, May 17, StreetsPAC will be joining members of the New York City Council's Progressive Caucus, Transportation Alternatives, Get Women Cycling and Bike New York for the Progressive Caucus's 4th annual Bike-to-Work event, and we hope you'll be there with us!
There are two feeder rides that will converge at City Hall for a rally at 9:00 a.m. The first meets up on the plaza behind Brooklyn Borough Hall at 8:00 a.m., and the other will gather on the 14th Street steps at Union Square in Manhattan at 8:30 a.m. You will be able to bring your bikes inside City Hall's gates for the rally.
Please join us for this fun, casual ride and the chance to bike commute with a number of the City Council's most committed safe-streets supporters!
Please RSVP here.
Are You a Candidate for City Council? Please Complete Our Questionnaire!
We've just issued our 2017 questionnaire for candidates for City Council, so if you're interested in seeking StreetsPAC's endorsement, please complete it by May 31. We've emailed invitations to the online survey to any declared Council candidate for whom we could find contact information, but if you haven't received it, please click here for more info and to request a link.
New York City has a Parking Problem and It's Not What Many People Think
Over the past 10 years, nearly half a billion square feet of commercial and residential real estate has been developed in New York City. Under the City’s Zoning Resolution, many of these developments were required to provide large amounts of off-street parking.
At a cost of about $50,000 per parking space, the monetary cost to build these spaces is huge. The opportunity cost may be even higher, as parking supplants affordable housing, and off-street parking, curb cuts and driveways, and blank facades often have a deleterious effect on the built environment and the pedestrian experience. At the same time, in a dense and congested city, communities are often wary of new development that doesn’t help address the parking demand they worry it will generate.
The High Cost of Off-Street Parking, a panel discussion hosted by NYU's Furman Center, the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, and Transportation Alternatives, will explore how municipal parking policy must balance the need for parking with the costs and consider the possible consequences of parking policy reforms – something for which StreetsPAC has advocated vocally.
Event details are as follows:
Tuesday, May 30
4:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. (Registration opens at 3:30)
NYU School of Law | Greenberg Lounge
Vanderbilt Hall
40 Washington Square South
The event is free, but you need to register, which you can do here.
Image Credit: NYC Progressives