This is the latest installment in our spotlight series on StreetsPAC endorsed candidates.
Reynoso, who’s been Chief of Staff to Councilmember Diana Reyna for the past four years, sees truck-route calming and enforcement as well as expanding the bike lane network for Bushwick and Ridgewood as huge opportunities to improve life in his district. Keeping trucks on redesigned, designated routes will improve street safety for local residents, while an expanded bike lane network would link residents to transit and local jobs. Reynoso has commuted by bicycle since selling his car to campaign full-time, a change that has transformed the way he looks at and experiences city streets.
StreetsPAC: What is the biggest transportation issue facing your district?
Antonio Reynoso: The biggest transportation issue is our public transportation and access to it. For example, the G Train which causes so many hurdles for our riders daily. It's the only train that services Queens and Brooklyn riders directly between boroughs, yet is one of the shortest (4 cars), unpredictable schedules, and will have its weekend services interrupted for a total of 14 weekends in a row. The L train was declared the train with the highest increase in ridership, yet a means to alleviate this has yet to be introduced.
SP: How do you make the case to residents, community board members, and business owners that livable streets are good for the district?
AR: We need to work on informing residents about the advantages including better public health, a stronger environment, and closer to achieving social and economic justice.
SP: What do you think New York City streets will look like four years from now? What about twenty years from now?
AR: I believe that in four years, our dependency on vehicles like cars will slightly decrease, validating the importance of our public transportation and its infrastructure. Now 20 years from now? Well...I hope we are the premier city for affordable and reliable public transportation.
SP: What are some of the best places to visit by bike in your neighborhood?
AR: In my district, some of the best places to visit by bike are along Central Avenue and Evergreen Avenue, they have the most comfortable bike lanes. Of course the Waterfront is a treat too. Anywhere you are on a bike is the place to visit in Bushwick, Williamsburg, and Ridgewood.
SP: What street in your neighborhood/district do you think is a model for what you'd like to see elsewhere?
AR: I think what we have currently along Borinquen Place between Havemeyer and Union St is ideal. At these intersections, a lot of has done with regards to traffic safety and prioritizing pedestrians first.
SP: Everyone has a memorable story to tell about being on the subway. What's yours?
AR: The subways commuters are a true reflection of this great city. I love the culture and the diversity that contributes to our identity everyday. Each day on the subway re-introduces me to this.
Have you missed our past posts from our 'Focus On:' spotlight series? Check out our News page to find out how our other endorsees answered these questions.