NYS2014 Profile Joe Lentol AD50

Joe Lentol - NYS Assembly Dist 50
Joe Lentol, Assembly District 50, Greenpoint and Williamsburg (Incumbent)

District Map | Website | JoeLentol | @AssemblyManJoe

Joe Lentol is the second most senior member of the Assembly, and as chair of the Codes Committee, he drafted and passed legislation that increased penalties for driving without a license or with a suspended license. He has been a strong supporter of speed cameras, and has led the fight for installation of a two-way protected bike path on the Pulaski Bridge, now expected for spring 2015. He is committed to improving the suspended/unlicensed driver laws, by uncoupling license suspensions from non-driving infractions and simultaneously increasing penalties for driving without a license and beefing up suspensions for dangerous driving. He’s also committed to working to remove restrictions on speed camera deployments.

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