NYS2014 Profile Linda Rosenthal AD67

LindaRosenthal - NYS Assembly Dist 67
Linda Rosenthal, Assembly District 67, Upper West Side, Hell’s Kitchen (Incumbent)

District Map | Website | LindaBRosenthal.UWS | @LindaBRosenthal

Running for her fifth term in the Assembly, Rosenthal has sponsored legislation that would allow prosecutors to seek enhanced penalties against repeat dangerous and reckless drivers, as well as legislation regarding the misguided “rule of two” that would hold drivers accountable for their actions in crashes that injure or kill. She intends to endorse the MoveNY plan (she was a supporter of the previous congestion-pricing effort), and will continue to work with stakeholders and the communities to transform Amsterdam Avenue, one of the most dangerous streets in New York City, into a complete street.

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