StreetsPAC is happy to announce its campaign manager and intern who will be overseeing StreetsPACs endorsement process and volunteer activities for endorsed candidates.
Louis Cholden-Brown, Campaign Manager
A lifelong New Yorker, Louis makes his home on the Upper West Side where he is honored to serve on Community Board 7 in such roles as Co-Secretary, Strategy & Budget Chair and Housing Co-Chair. He is a veteran of numerous victorious New York State electoral and issue advocacy campaigns and has served as an operational consultant to various progressive organizations including Metro New York Health Care for All and the Institute for Rational Urban Mobility.
Louis can be reached at [email protected] or (646)-220-6388
Susan Liu, StreetsPAC Graduate Intern
Susan is a Master's student in Hunter College's Urban Planning program. She came to New York intending to design buildings, but after an undergraduate education in Civil Engineering and years of construction management experience, she's moved her attention towards transportation. She's seen the city's streets and transit transform under the current administration, and she hopes her work with StreetsPAC will continue this progress for administrations to come.
Susan can be reached at [email protected]
Reach out to our exciting new team to get involved this summer!