Mark Weprin, Council District 23, Queens
Neighborhoods: Northeastern Queens including Oakland Gardens, Bellaire, Hollis
See StreetsPAC's Citywide Endorsed and Borough-wide Endorsed Candidates
Website: Mark Weprin Mark.Weprin
What caught our attention from Mark's questionnaire/interview:
"I have been a huge advocate for expanded public transit options expecting in transit deserts like the own in my district."
StreetsPAC's Endorsement Announcement:
Weprin wants to see car-dependent Eastern Queens become much more accessible via transit. He wants the neighborhoods in his district to flourish with livable streets for all, and as a father, he seeks the peace of mind that his teenage son will be able to safely ride his bicycle to the subway or Long Island Railroad. To help achieve this vision, Weprin will champion legislation in the city council to ensure serious consequences for drivers who, through their own negligence, hop curbs and strike pedestrians on sidewalks. He’ll also call for the expansion of bike share, and seeks to bring 20 MPH Neighborhood Slow Zones to his Council district.