StreetsPoll: August 24, 2016

Earlier this month, the New York City Department of Transportation presented a "comprehensive safety plan" for the area surrounding Brooklyn's Times Plaza, the triangle that sits at the confluence of Flatbush, Atlantic and 4th Avenues. NYC DOT's ideas were well received, but so was an alternate concept for a traffic circle proposed by Perkins Eastman transportation and infrastructure architect Jonathan Cohn.

What do you think should be done at Times Plaza?

Which of these proposed solutions for improving the chaotic (and deadly) intersection at which Brooklyn's Flatbush, Atlantic and 4th Avenues come together do you support?

NYC DOT's plan for ped islands, curb extensions, lane changes & more
Don't change a thing! Crossing the River Styx gets my blood flowing!
A big roundabout, as proposed by Perkins Eastman's Jonathan Cohn
Hmm. Even these upgrades won't do the trick. More drawing boards, please.

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