StreetsPoll: May 11, 2016

To his great credit, Mayor Bill de Blasio today instructed the New York City Department of Transportation to move forward with the complete-streets redesign of Queens Boulevard, over the opposition of Community Board 4 to protected bike lanes. Community Boards are also obstacles to a number of other projects that would improve street safety, including the redesign of 111th Street in Corona, Empire Boulevard safety upgrades in Crown Heights, creation of Bradhurst Plaza in Sugar Hill, a network of bike lanes in Bedford-Stuyvesant, and Lenox Avenue traffic calming in Harlem.

Which Community Board-obstructed safe-streets project should the de Blasio Administration move forward with next?

111th Street in Corona
Bike lanes in Bed-Stuy
Empire Boulevard Safety Fixes
Lenox Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements
Broadhurst Plaza in Sugar Hill

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