Please Join Us This Evening for a Fundraiser for City Council Member Helen Rosenthal
This Thursday, July 21, at 6:30 p.m., we invite you to join us for a fundraising event we're co-hosting for Upper West Side City Council Member (and 2013 StreetsPAC endorsee) Helen Rosenthal.
Helen has been a leading voice for safe- and complete-streets projects and policies, including the recently installed Amsterdam Avenue protected bike lane, a car-free Central Park, and unrestricted access to buildings for people with folding bicycles. Shortly after taking office in 2014, she introduced and led the passage of legislation creating Cooper's Law, which empowers the Taxi & Limousine Commission to suspend or revoke the license of a cab driver who causes serious injury or death when violating traffic laws, named in memory of Cooper Stock.
Helen is ramping up her 2017 re-election bid, and we want to make sure that she gets off to a fast start. Your help will be crucial to her success.
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Helen Pine commented
2016-08-16 22:10:53 -0400
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No, I’m saying that endorsement should be withheld pending an explanation of her reappointment of street safety foe and longtime Community Board 7 transportation committee co-chair Dan Zweig and the explanation and removal of the Citi Bike racks on West End Avenue.
Eric McClure commented
2016-08-16 19:30:37 -0400
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So you’re saying we should endorse Council Member Rosenthal in 2017? This sounds like a good thing.
Helen Pine commented
2016-08-16 16:18:42 -0400
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Helen Rosenthal is ruled by special interests not the interests of the people in the community she represents. She is responsible for the Citi Bike racks installed under the cover of darkness on West End Avenue between 94 and 95 Streets in a neighborhood already short of parking spaces and parking garages.