Please Join Us March 26th for a Fundraiser for Andrew Gounardes

On Sunday, March 26, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., we're hosting a fundraiser for State Senator Andrew Gounardes at The Long Island Bar on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, and we hope you'll join us!

In his four-plus years in the State Senate, no one has done more to promote safe streets than Andrew Gounardes. After defeating speed-camera foe Marty Golden in 2018, Andrew was the prime sponsor of the bill that expanded the crucial automated-enforcement program. And last year, he sponsored the legislation that authorized a major expansion of New York City's speed-camera program, also allowing round-the-clock operation, a critical step given the prevalence of dangerous driving late at night.

In addition, Andrew and fellow StreetsPAC endorsee Emily Gallagher last year sponsored the bill that now requires instruction in pedestrian and cyclist safety as part of the process of obtaining a drivers license in New York State. In the current Albany session, Andrew has sponsored bills that will enable citizen-reporting of the growing and dangerous problem of illegally obscured or covered license plates, expand the city's red-light camera program, and revoke driving privileges for chronically dangerous drivers.

On top of that, he's been a consistent champion for better subway and bus service, and improved transit accessibility.

Following State Senate redistricting in 2022, Andrew is now representing a significantly changed district, adding portions of Sunset Park, Red Hook, Gowanus, and several Brownstone Brooklyn neighborhoods. If you live in one of those communities, this event will be a great opportunity for you to get to know your new State Senator.

We'll have plenty of appetizers to nosh on, and we'll pick up the tab for your first couple drinks.

See below for details, and click on the image to RSVP, or follow this link: Hope to see you there!

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StreetsPAC's Testimony to City Council on FY2024 Transportation Budget

We testified yesterday at the New York City Council's Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure preliminary hearing on the city's Fiscal Year 2024 transportation budget. With the budget covering such a wide scope, we chose to focus on a few areas of pressing need. Our full testimony follows below.

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StreetsPAC's Testimony to City Council on Commercial Waste Zone Implementation

We testified today at the New York City Council's Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management and Committee on Small Business joint oversight hearing on preparing for the implementation of Commercial Waste Zones, and in support of two related bills that would create a Commercial Waste Zones working group and require the Department of Sanitation to develop a plan for accepting commercial waste at city-operated marine-transfer stations, respectively. The creation of a Commercial Waste Zone system has significant implications for making streets safer. Our full testimony follows below.

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StreetsPAC's Testimony to City Council on Street Safety Infrastructure and Vision Zero

We testified at yesterday's New York City Council Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure oversight hearing on street safety infrastructure and Vision Zero, and in support of two bills that would require daylighting and installation of bollards at intersections, respectively, as well as a resolution calling on Albany to enact legislation that would allow the city to set a five mile-per-hour speed limit on Open Streets. We also joined Families for Safe Streets, City Council Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Selvena Brooks-Powers, and other electeds for a press conference ahead of the hearing. Our full testimony follows below.

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It's Election Day! Vote the StreetsPAC Slate for Safer Streets and Better Transit!

There's an important general election today in New York, and polls will be open until 9 p.m. You can find your polling site, review a sample ballot, confirm your registration status, and see other election-related information at

StreetsPAC's Board of Directors has spent the better part of the past year evaluating responses to our in-depth candidate questionnaire, analyzing policy platforms, and conducting personal interviews with dozens of candidates. We've endorsed 16 candidates for the New York State Senate and Assembly, and you can read more about them, and crucial aspects of their street-safety and transportation platforms, below. Endorsed candidates are listed in ascending order by district number. We've said this often, but it bears repeating that state government exerts enormous influence over New York City's streets and transit system, and your vote for a StreetsPAC-endorsed candidate can help to ensure that the legislature will pursue policies that make our streets safer and our buses and subways more efficient and reliable.

There's a great deal at stake in today's election beyond transportation issues. We want you to have your say, so please make a plan to vote, and remember that as long as you're in line at your polling place by 9 p.m., you can't be turned away.

Thank you for your support, and happy voting!

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General Election Tomorrow – Here's Our Voter Guide!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th, is Election Day, and polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. You can find your polling site, review a sample ballot, confirm your registration status, and see other election-related information at

We've endorsed 16 candidates for the New York State Senate and Assembly, and you can read more about them, and important aspects of their street-safety and transportation platforms, below. Endorsed candidates are listed in ascending order by district number. State government exerts enormous influence over New York City's streets and transit system, and your vote for a StreetsPAC-endorsed candidate can help to ensure that the legislature pursues policies that make our streets safer and our buses and subways more efficient and reliable.

There's a great deal at stake in tomorrow's election beyond transportation issues. Turnout is critical, so please make a plan to vote, and remember that as long as you're in the queue to vote by 9 p.m., you can't be turned away.

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StreetsPAC's General Election Voter Guide!

Early voting for New York's November 8th general election begins Saturday, October 29th. Early-voting sites will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. over the weekend, and hours will then vary through the conclusion of early voting on Sunday, November 6th. You can find daily poll-site hours here, and you can confirm your early-voting and election-day polling locations, review a sample ballot, check your registration status, and see other election-related information at

We've endorsed 16 candidates for the New York State Senate and Assembly, and you can read more about them, and important aspects of their street-safety and transportation platforms, below. Endorsed candidates are listed in ascending order by district number. State government exerts enormous influence over New York City's streets and transit system, and your vote for StreetsPAC-endorsed candidates can help to ensure that the legislature promotes policies that make our streets safer and our buses and subways more efficient and reliable.

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StreetsPAC's Primary Day Voter Guide!

Good morning! It's Primary Day in New York, and polls are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. If you're registered to vote with a political-party affiliation, you are eligible to vote today in your party's primary.

We've spent several months evaluating responses to our in-depth candidate questionnaire, analyzing policy platforms, and conducting personal interviews with dozens of candidates. We've endorsed seven candidates for the New York State Senate in today's primary. You can learn more about each of our endorsees below, as well as the street-safety and transportation issues they'll champion if elected.

To find your polling location, see a sample ballot, and check your voter-registration status, please visit

Today's primary will undoubtedly continue a trend of low-turnout elections. While we'd much prefer to see robust voter participation, the silver lining to lower turnout is that your vote for a candidate who supports safe, complete and livable streets, and reliable, efficient and affordable public transit, has the potential to make a real difference in a close race. Please vote!

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There's A Primary Election Tomorrow – Here's Our Voter Guide!

Tomorrow is, once again, Primary Day in New York, and polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. If you're registered to vote with a political-party affiliation, you are eligible to vote in your party's primary.

We've spent the past several months evaluating responses to our in-depth candidate questionnaire, analyzing policy platforms, and conducting personal interviews with dozens of candidates. We've endorsed seven candidates for State Senate, all of whom appear on primary ballots tomorrow. You can learn more about each of our endorsees below, as well as the street-safety and transportation issues they'll advocate for in office.

The August 23rd primary will undoubtedly continue a trend of low-turnout elections. While we're fans of robust voter participation, the silver lining to lower turnout is that your vote for a candidate who supports safe, complete and livable streets, and reliable, efficient and affordable public transit, has the potential to make a real difference in a close race.

To find your polling location, see a sample ballot, and check your voter-registration status, please visit

And if you have an hour or two to spare tomorrow, it's not too late to help our endorsees get out the vote. We've compiled links to all of our candidates' volunteer opportunities – just click here to find a GOTV opportunity near you.

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Primary Tuesday – Vote Early Through Sunday

Early voting in advance of Tuesday's Primary election for New York State Senate continues today until 3 p.m., and then on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Tuesday, the polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

You can find your early-voting and Primary day polling sites, and more election-related information, at

We've endorsed seven terrific candidates for State Senate, and you can read more about them and their safe-streets and pro-transit platforms below. Given the timing of this election, we expect turnout to be anemic. While that is of course less than ideal, it also presents an opportunity to unite behind candidates who are committed to improving our transportation system and making streets safer.

While your vote for our endorsed candidates is crucial, you can do even more by volunteering for a couple hours to help push them across the finish line. Click here for links to sign up to help our endorsees get out the vote!

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StreetsPAC supports candidates for public office who will champion Safe, Complete and Livable Streets.