Profile: Vince Morgan

Vince Morgan, Council District 9, Manhattan
Neighborhoods: Central Harlem, Hamilton Heights, High Bridge


Focus On (StreetsPAC article): "In twenty years we should be in a city where every vehicle on the road is a streamlined, fuel efficient necessity and our public transportation system is modernized and properly funded." Read more

What caught our attention from Vince's questionnaire/interview:
"I support public transit and incentives for commuting and efforts to limit cars into the city as busiest times of day."

StreetsPAC's Endorsement Announcement:
Morgan, a former banker, is challenging two-term incumbent Inez Dickens for this Harlem seat. Morgan is sharply critical of Dickens’s opposition to safety upgrades on Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard, a six-lane road that’s been one of New York City’s deadliest for pedestrians and which his children cross on their way to school. Morgan also intends to win M60 Select Bus Service for the entire stretch of 125th Street in District 9, only half of which is slated to receive the faster service.


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StreetsPAC supports candidates for public office who will champion Safe, Complete and Livable Streets.